If you order VivaBowls within a month after signing up, you can enjoy all orders at a 20% discount.
However, there is no further discount even if you order several VivaBowls after one month of sign-up.
We will give arrival notification of your order to your mobile phone. We use your mobile phone number as member ID, too.
To accomplish these, there will be an authentication process during the sign up process.
We collect only the mobile phone number and your name for the delivery purpose.
nce registered, you can not change them. Passcode can be updated at any time.
The passcode and the card number are stored with a strong encryption, and the communication line between the site and the card settlement bank is also securely protected.
If you have more than 200 points, you can use it at any time during checkout stage. When the point is less than 200, it is not applicable for redemption.
All meats have at least 12 hours of maturation. Once the prepared meats have been consumed, you will no longer be able to place orders. Please place an early order.